Sunday, July 15, 2018

Reforma in Cuahtemoc, Week 4

Well we have now entered my month of departure.  I guess we´ll have to see how this goes haha. Well as always it was good to hear from everyone and everything that is going on.
It was great to hear about the farewell of Spencer and my Farewell! That´s fantastic that everything worked out in the end and I can attend his before doing mine.  I´ll have to start working on my talk to see if I can top Seminary graduation speech. On Sunday I gave my last testimony (a tradition here for one´s last fast Sunday), although it wasn´t quite a gem it still uplifted the spirits of many haha.  I sure hope that my siblings enjoyed their Rocky Mountain Oysters, sadly I have not yet tried that dish of food, maybe one day far away haha.  It sounds like the road trip was great! I look forward to the future vacations, and to go boating again, it´s going to be great!

Well this week was a bit surprising, because there were changes! and like every time there is changes I got to take part.  My companion was unexpectedly taken out of the area and a new Elder arrived, his name is Elder Adams, and he is a white guy. It´s always fun to meet and share in the life of another missionary and if you get to baptize in the process...even better! I was a little sad to say goodbye to my previous comp though.  He was struggling with why he was on a mission, but started to realize that he wants to be someone better when he returns home, and in order to do that he set several goals we were working on together.  

This week was super fun, but a little hard physically. The great part is the season of rain has finally arrived! Every day is cloudly and it sprinkles all day! It is amazing! I´ve never been one for the heat, so this cool weather is a game changer that allows me to work at a whole new level. The bad part of this week was I got a bad case of gastritis, well I wouldn´t say case because I guess it may be permanent... Anyways we aren´t sure what I ate because my comp was fine and well I’m the one that has higher resistance to spicy foods than my comp, so who knows. Anyways the first day was the worst it was just a constant pain in the upper part of my stomach that wouldn´t leave. I talked to the mission president´s wife and she treated me for a stomach ache, and well it worked! for a bit... then we were visiting an investigator when it returned, and I had to add to the discussion my stomach ache (he asked why I was using his bathroom so much hahaha, hard life). He told me that he had the same thing. Yep... great times, luckily I rarely get stomach aches now due to controlling how much I eat and how spicy. I always wanted to take a bit of Mexico home with me and now I have something to remind about Mexico forever! it also basically means it is easier for me to be skinny! So that is a major perk! Score!

This week we also had a branch activity for the missionary work.  It was going to be super cool, we had all the church organizations prepare a room for a church open house where the less active members could get to know the members and clearly the investigators as well. Anyways everything was prepared, we invited many people to come and many came, but at the hour that it said on the invitation. And well as we all know, Mormons are the best at arriving on time, especially here in Mexico. The activity was at 6, all the members decided to arrive at 7ish, it would have been fine, only that a lot of the less active and inactive members that came got super depressed and now they don´t want us to visit them, that was pretty painful. But it is all good because we are going to keep knocking on their doors until they let us in and let us help them out in their lives! The mission work is awesome! It´s hard, it´s fully of sadness, sickness, and deception, but there is nothing that brings more happiness than changing the life of just one person forever. The time here is short, trials will come, but there is an eternal reward that only comes when we give our all!

Have an excellent week, con mucho amor
Elder Bunch (new and improved losing weight by the day! Awesome!)
México Chihuahua Misión

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