Saturday, July 21, 2018

Reforma in Cuahtemoc, Week 6

Darn well I missed Lake Powell once again, and this time by only 1 weeks, shucks well at least we´ve been having a lot of parties here as well, even if I did miss sleeping with over 50 people on two house boats, but I guess I’ll just have to wait until next year. I am looking forward to trying out the wake skate and picking out some "hip" clothes, today Elder Adams and I went to try and pick out my suit style we looked for about 4 hours and I’ve decided that I’m hopelessly lost in fashion or we just went to the wrong places. Most of which just had shirts that say the F word about 20 times and in several fonts and sizes, but hey I guess that is the new hip style here in Mexico. I also spent about 2 hours on Sunday with a youth as he tried to show me how to use the new smartphone software while I tutored him on mathematics, I don´t think either one of us learned very much...

This week was pretty great! (like every week, right? haha) we found a family of a sister that just barely got reactive and well she has 2 kids with the ages of 8 and 9 both of which have a strong desire to be baptized, the best thing is that while she hasn´t been attending church she although she has been keeping up in daily prayer and scripture study and family home evening, and she finally realized that she needs the church in her life and especially the life of her family so that they may grow up with a strong foundation in their lives. And well to make a couple lessons short if all goes well we´ve got 4 baptisms next week, and if not, the future missionaries have 4 baptisms. And that is quite the miracle! 

This week we also had interviews with president Montoya as we do every cycle, he told me that I was going to once again have changes this week (and I did only that we are in a group of 3, so it wasn´t too bad), I asked him why I’ve had so many companions (20) when the average missionary has around 12, he shared with me and I’m a lot like he was in his mission and that I’m a "mechanic" in terms of I get sent to an area to fix it or I get sent with a companion to help them realize their potential and love of the work. It has been an amazing calling that I’ve been blessed to have here that has not only allowed me to change the lives of many people, but also to change my mine. I´ve started to read my old journals and remembered how I used to think that I wasn´t ever going to change in my mission, better said I didn´t want to be changed. But over these past 2 years I’ve come to realize that missionaries that go and return the same weren´t the best of missionaries in their mission and although they may not have wasted their time they definitely did not learn completely what it is to be a disciple of Christ. Learning to be a disciple has been one of the greatest blessing of be on a mission, I’m not nearly close to being someone amazing or an amazing alma the younger story, but I’m happy with the changes that I’ve seen and the potential that I now have for the future. As the missionary that has had to deal with many youth that go on a mission for their parents, but not a strong desire to serve, I can give a great advice to everyone who can serve a mission. And that advice is to do it! Life is going to hard or suck at times, but one day you wake up and love the mission. It is an experience that has no equal, and everyone should serve even the girls, it may be optional but quite frankly the sister missionaries that work here have so much more success than the elders, and are super cool, even if they get super spoiled haha.

These two years have been amazing and I’ve come to realize why they call them the best two years. It´s not an easy experience, you won´t be happy everyday unless you choose to, you´re going to have challenging companions, you´re going to have frustrating leaders, you are going to meet confused people that dislike you, you´re going to have times where everything falls apart, you´re going to have times with sickness or danger. But that´s the mission! And with every sacrifice that one has there is a miracle you just need to open your eyes and count them. There is no other experience that brings someone greater joy then giving everything to help someone knowing that you will receive nothing and maybe even rejection. But it is amazing and I wish every person could have the chance to serve a mission and learn what their true potential is.

The best is yet to come,

Signing off for the last time,

con mucho amor,

Elder Kaden Thomas Bunch
La misión maravillosa
México Chihuahua Misión

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